My name is Jingyao He, but everybody calls me Brachel. B with Rachel. I’m from China and currently staying in Georgia.
I’m B.F.A in advertising and branding, concentrating on art direction and minoring in motion graphics. I have an infinite passion for advertising, and I will learn any skills that can help me become better and more professional in the advertising field. Therefore, I know how to do graphic design, photo shoots, video shoots and video editing, motion graphics, and a little cinema 4D. I’m highly skilled, hardworking, and talented enough to help companies to become better. For me, advertising is about communication, telling stories, and helping others to achieve their dreams and make the world a better place. And I want to tell you a short story about me and how I get interested for advertising. When I was kid back in China, my mom only allowed to watch tv for 10 minutes. Because in China, parents want their kids to study all the time for a good future, but I love watching tvs. Therefore, when my mom falls asleep or go to bathroom, I will use that 2 minutes to watch an Ad. That’s how I got interested in advertising. And If you are interested, I would like to show you my works.